Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Greek Crisis (Opinion)

If you look in the United States, the people fight a constant war with the federal government over taxes and socializd programs. The government continues to let the plutocrats get away with white collar crime while lowering their taxes as a reward, and the Federal government attempts to take away from the middle and lower classes social programs to balance the budget, so the plutocrats can continue their insane casino economy on Wallstreet.

How does this relate to Greece?

According to Athens news, Germany will be sending 160 tax collectors to Grecce, so they can fund their bail out plan [1]. The first insanity with this plan is the fact that technocrats were parachuted into this problem to find a bailout plan. When these technocrats found a plan the mass media praised the plan, stating it stops Greece from a economic meltdown. These technocrats are not elected officials, but people planted in from Wallstreet and central banks. The second insanity is the plan will not work, and they knew the plan would not work days before it was agreed [2]. 

So why go with the plan?

The Eurozone itself is in a debt crisis, and it has been building a debt firewall, and the EU is under continuous pressure to increase the firewall [3]. I find it interesting that a summit will be held to determine if Greece has followed its end of the deal for the bailout, but they are already sending tax collectors before the validity of the plan has been verified (austerity measures). People are getting the distinct feeling Greece is being used as a debt scape goat for the EU [4].

What else can Greece do?

The bottom line is this entire crisis has been a joke from the beginning. Greece has exemplified how ridiculous our debt banking system has become since the 1970's. They continue the insanity by finding a solution through more loans and austerity which will only cripple Greece's economic growth. More loans is not the solution; humanitarian aid will help Greece get back on track through creating socialized jobs. I am sure Greece's economy could benefit in the long run if they took advantage of the high unemployment rate combined with aid, so they could build a new economic infrastructure for the future. From what I can tell this is not legally possible, I believe Greece's best bet is to break away from the banking insanity, so they can qualify for aid. They can achieve this though leaving the European Union and bring back the drachma. This move would also make Greece's work force competitive on the global market. Is this a risky move? yeah, it is a very risky move because even with the debt crisis their currency is still back by the EU; however, the move is reasonable compared to the insanity being forced on the Greeks.



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