Friday, March 2, 2012

United States enables Isreal to atack Iran

I do not support a USreal war on Iran. This war would be costly on lives, economics, and integrity of the two countries. The Israeli prime minister has been very fixated on a war with Iran. If Isreal attacks Iran and Iran fights back, The United States will back Isreal. Fortunately, technological and logistics challenges has been preventing such attacks on Iran; however, I found this stement disturbing:

"U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff General Norton Schwartz said Wednesday that Washington has prepared military options to strike Iran's nuclear sites should conflict erupt, Bloomberg reported." 
Isreal also stated it will not warn the United States if it decides to attack Iran. I am not happy with Isreal's "loose cannon" approach to Iran, and the United State's choice to still support their war hunger; however,  The chairman of the joint chief of staff General Dempsy stated that Iran is a "rational actor." This means the US's top military leader does not believe a war with Iran is prudent, but I am afraid this statement will not be enough to deter Americans from another war. A 2010 poll showed that 70% of Americans believed Iran already has nuclear weapons, and 58% of Americans believed military action is necessary against Iran. If president Obama can not get prime minister Netanyahu under control, the United States could be forced into another war; it does not want to fight, especially with Afghanistan and Iraq in recent history. Also, the developing countries India and China have close interests in Iran for its oil, so a war with Iran will cause international conflicts for the United States with these rising super powers.


U.S. has military plan should Iran conflict erupt, says air force chief
CNN Poll: American believe Iran has nuclear

U.S. intelligence official: Israel will not warn U.S. on Iran strike

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